
Daniel Palm

Passionate about Software


Hello, my name is Daniel Palm and I’m a software engineer. When I first discovered programming at the age of 12, it gripped me and never let go. I’ve been programming professionally since not long after that, at the age of 16. After getting my degree in Computer Science, I went on to become an embedded developer and a mobile developer, and I lead the development of several iOS apps, and of the firmware for multiple embedded devices, including the Beautyrest Sleeptracker.

I believe in using whichever programming language best fits the task at hand, but I have the most experience in C++, C, Java, Objective-C and Swift. Lately, I find myself using Python for many small projects, particularly with my personal projects.

I feel I have a strong intuition for good design, and I’m always pushing myself and others towards good architecture and high quality. You can build something very cool, but unless it has quality, it won’t make an impression. Or, worse, it’ll make a bad impression. Moreover, I strongly believe that a good design must be flexible, maintainable, and understandable.

Most of all, I greatly enjoy building things, especially with a good team. In my free time, I enjoy working on other software projects, which you can read about here.